E-learning resources for teaching in English
Im Notizblog Lehre erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Lehrpraxis der Universität Freiburg sowie aktuelle Nachrichten zu Themen der Lehre. Der Notizblog Lehre führt die Impulswerkstatt Lehrqualität weiter, die seit 2010 Ideen, Erfahrungsberichte und aktuelle Informationen zu Lernen und Lehren gesammelt hat.
Redaktionell wird der Notizblog von der Abteilung Lehrentwicklung der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg betreut.
Each of the six modules below contains video tutorials, authentic clips of teaching in English with embedded questions, and extra resources (language handouts, self-study templates to reflect, links to pertinent articles/videos).
- Teaching in English – Macro-factors for lecturing
This e-module address lecture design factors such as structure and SMART learning objectives to reduce students’ cognitive load when learning content in a foreign language. - Teaching in English – Micro-factors for lecturing
This e-module addresses micro-level linguistic features such as signposts and clear questions to help students better follow your line of thought. - Teaching in English – Initiate student input
This e-module addresses activation methods in English-taught classes. The resources focus on guiding questions and practical tips for planning methods in the international classroom as well as specific steps and language to set up in-class tasks. - Teaching in English – Respond to and integrate student input
This e-module addresses student interaction in English-taught classes with a multilingual, multicultural class. The resources focus on strategies for handling student input, giving brief feedback, integrating large classes, and handling instances of clarification. - Teaching in English – Prosody to enhance meaning and effect
This e-module looks at the notion of “it’s not what you say but HOW you say it”. The resources focus on emphasis, pausing, and intonation and how these prosodic features can enhance meaning and effect. - Do you speak Denglish or English?
You speak English quite well but there is the occasional raised eyebrow in the class. The module addresses some typical errors German speakers make in English with particular focus on vocabulary (false friends), pronunciation, and idiomatic language.
The e-modules have been designed as autonomous learning resources. Beyond these e-modules, teachers can also receive feedback on language use in their English-taught classes or attend one of our workshops. To find out more, simply visit our website or contact us at emi@sli.uni-freiburg.de or 203-8962.