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E-modules to hone your communicative skills for teaching in English

Im Notizblog Lehre erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Lehrpraxis der Universität Freiburg sowie aktuelle Nachrichten zu Themen der Lehre. Der Notizblog Lehre führt die Impulswerkstatt Lehrqualität weiter, die seit 2010 Ideen, Erfahrungsberichte und aktuelle Informationen zu Lernen und Lehren gesammelt hat.

Redaktionell wird der Notizblog von der Abteilung Lehrentwicklung der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg betreut.


In this second of a four-part series on communicative skills for teaching in English, the English-medium Instruction team introduces two e-modules dedicated to student interaction with an international student body. The e-modules are available to teachers on the ILIAS Continuing Education and Open Educational Resources (OER) learning platform.

Activating and interacting with your students in English

Every class is diverse. But even more so when students from all over the world bring their own learning cultures and styles of communication into your English-taught class. It was with this dynamic in mind that we developed resources, which share some good practice approaches for activating students, leveraging the diversity in the classroom, and ensuring the clearest possible lines of communication among a diverse group English speakers.

Teaching in English – Initiate student input

The diverse student body enrolled in English-taught international programs is a key reason teachers need to diversify teaching methods beyond lecturing (a skill covered in part one of our series). This e-module provides micro-methods to activate students in lecture and seminar settings, clear instructions to set-up such tasks and guiding questions and tips to help you better prepare using methods. Implementing such practices increases student opportunities to engage with and discuss the content (using the language of the content!) and increases chances that students will pose more questions during a lesson.

Teaching in English – Respond to and integrate student input

Once a teacher has activated students, the ensuing interaction entails a range of teaching skills. This e-module covers four aspects of responding to student input: giving constructive and explicit feedback, using strategies to handle different types of student input, integrating large classes, and handling instances of clarification. Employing such interaction skills can solidify student learning, maximize student opportunities to engage with content and promote a positive learning vibe.

Both of these e-modules combine brief video tutorials, downloadable resources and clips of authentic teaching with embedded questions to provide you with key take-aways, upon which you can reflect and incorporate into your future lectures.

Beyond interaction e-modules

Raising your awareness about a range of student activation and interaction techniques is important but just the tip of the teaching iceberg. Dive deeper and turn awareness into action by attending our next foundation workshop and/or student interaction workshop and/or requesting a classroom visit with comprehensive expert feedback

Be on the lookout next month when we delve into general language skills, part three of our four-part series on communicative skills to enhance student learning in your English-taught class.

To find out more about other training options, visit our website or contact us at or 203-8962.


Gregg Dubow

Sprachlehrinstitut - English Medium Instruction

Tel.: 0761 203-8962


Dr. Susanne Gundermann

Sprachlehrinstitut - English Medium Instruction

Tel.: 0761 203-8962